
April 2024

My thanks to you for stopping by.   

My first non-fiction in over a decade, 'Learning to Slow Dance with Footprints of Kindness,' is now available for order by contacting my publisher moosehousepublications.com or through your favourite bookstore. I'm excited to share this book with you. I have invited others to add to this book by sharing their own story. Additionally, I have left room for your to make your own notes and journal as you go.This is a shared adventure!

I began writing over twenty-five years ago.  Learning to Slow Dance with Footprints of Kindness is my tenth book.  Five fiction. Five non fiction.   And I'm not done yet!

I am humbled to continue to work as a professional speaker.  If you are planning a conference, or a team meeting please reach out. I would love to work with you.

From the heart,

Carol Ann

Non Fiction

Learning to Slow Dance

From the Heart  

Ripple Effect of the Comfort Heart

If I Knew Then 

What I Know Now  

Lessons Learned 

Upside the Head

Comfort Heart

A Personal Memoir   

The Paradise Series

ISBN 978-1-990187-92-6
Pages 206
Price $22.95
